Tribute to Rehman Rashid (C’72)


Born in Taiping, Perak, the tall, dark and handsome Rehman was in fifth form when we entered form one in Malay College Kuala Kangsar. He was warm and friendly to all and was famous for his entertaining articles and stage antics in their batch concerts which was a tradition when students reached fifth form.

He later pursued a degree in Marine Biology at University College Swansea in Wales. He was well known at University for writing folk songs and performing them at every opportunity.

Rehman became a journalist in 1981. Prior to this, he worked with the Fisheries Research Institute in Penang and as a research associate with the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of Universiti Putra Malaysia.

After seven years as Leader Writer and columnist with the New Straits Times, Malaysia’s leading English-language daily, he joined Asiaweek magazine in Hong Kong as a Senior Writer. From there, he left for a year in Bermuda, as a Senior Writer with the Bermuda Business magazine, before returning home to Malaysia to complete the book A Malaysian Journey.

He was the Malaysian Press Institute’s Journalist of the Year for 1985, and Bermuda’s Print Journalist of the Year for 1991.

Veteran journalist, author, senior and friend Rehman Rashid, who suffered a heart attack while riding his bicycle in January, has recently passed away at 8.15am today Saturday, 3rd June 2017. He was 62.

May Allah bless his soul and place him among the righteous, Amin.


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