Belasungkawa – Dr. Roslan Mahamud


Dr. Roslan Mahamud (C’72) [Idris house] left us all on 31 October 2018 at 3.50am. He hailed from Kuala Lipis, Pahang. He was an ENT/Otorhinolaryngology by profession, having earned his MBBS (Mal) and FRCS (Edin).

At the time of his demise, he was the Medical Director of KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital, while also having his ENT clinic there. Prior to that, he served at Ampang Putri Specialist Hospital and KPJ Hospital in Kuantan. Apart from that he was also in the Executive Committee Board for The Malaysian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head & Neck Surgeons of Malaysia (MSOHNS).

He was also a keen golfer and regularly participated in tournaments organised by MCOBA. His demise is a great loss not just to fellow MCOBs but also to the medical profession.

Allahhumaghfirlahu, Warhamhu, Wa’afihi, Wa’fuanhu.


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