Belasungkawa – Abdul Razak Bahaman

Tribute by his son, Amir Soffian Abdul Razak (C'84)


Abdul Razak Bahaman (Class of 1954 – Idris House) was born in 1936, in a small kampung called Tanjung Ipoh in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. He entered MCKK at 15, I believe. I am told he was very good at his studies and became a prefect at Kings Pavilion but later moved to Big School.

After MCKK, he furthered his studies in Electrical Engineering in England (University of Birmingham?) and worked at the BBC in London. He met my mother, Habibah Musa, who was working at the High Commission and they got married in London soon after they met, before returning home to Malaya in 1962.

He worked in RTM then JKR, where he headed the newly formed Electrical Engineering Department.

He also worked in Malaysian Explosives in Batu Arang before he co-founded Juaraconsult Sdn Bhd, an M&E Engineering Consultancy company (Juara stands for *Ju* rutera *A* bdul *Ra* zak by the way) where he worked until retirement, having been involved in many landmarks of KL and Penang such as Komtar, Dayabumi, Menara Maybank, Menara IMC, Kompleks Sukan Negara, to name a few. He was a founding member of the Association of Consulting Engineers ACEM, and of course, a proud MCOBA member (membership no. 8, if I am not mistaken).

He counts many MCOBs as his close friends including the late Dato’ Prof Ahmad Nawawi of UM, Datuk Ar Baharuddin Kassim, Tun Haniff Omar (his batchmate)…well, many others, too many to mention.

He was very proud of MCKK and vehemently protested when I, ever so briefly, considered placing his grandson in KYS instead of MCKK. Alhamdulillah, his grandson, Muhd Ashraf became a 3rd generation MCOB (V13 – Ahmad Hse).

He leaves behind 5 children, 15 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild and my mother, who is now 85 years old.

For me he was a wonderful father, a patient teacher, an inspiring mentor, a stern but fair boss and a fantastic role model for his children and grandchildren. He will be missed but never forgotten.

Please join me in saying a prayer for him; may Allah S.W.T. forgives him, be pleased with him and grant him Jannah (where there will be that big reunion with all MCOBs). Ameen ya Rabb.

He was very proud be a MCOB. He was a Life Member No. 8.


  1. I miss you all the time, dad. Happy birthday.

    May Allah forgive your weaknesses, and reward your deed with the highest of Jannah, insyaAllah.


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