Belasungkawa – Adi Yusri Yem


Allahyarham was one of the 5 students from Perlis, and Kangar was his hometown. Post Koleq days, he trained as a teacher at one of the best local universities around, University of Malaya.

Arwah was one of the first few persons that I befriended with when I first sat my foot on Koleq grounds. We sat at the same dining table for the whole year throughout our prep school days 36 years ago. He was also my classmate for 5 years. Nicknamed Tosoi when his full name was mispronounced by our Japanese class teacher in form 1, Ms. Takami Ono when she called out Api Tosoi instead of Adi Yusri.

Originating from the north helped him to adapt to bahasa baku introduced into our education system in the late 80s quite easily and he took it to the next level when reading text by subconsciously replacing standard BM words like basikal to ge’ghek, mereka to de’pa in formal classroom.

An excellent artist with a keen eye on scenery subjects. He never used a pallet when painting, oil and acrylic paint was mixed everywhere else even on his arms. The whole place was his canvas. Needless to say, he was the late Cikgu Mustapha Kamal’s favourite student. He was unanimously made the President of Kelab Karyaneka in 1989. No contest.

In sports he represented Koleq in rugby and was fondly remembered for his hard tackles and no fear attitude. A jovial person who is always smiling and funny even without trying. Many can attest to this.

Arwah later served as a teacher at St. Michael School in Ipoh teaching physical education and Arts, two subjects he loved dearly. He is survived by his wife, Norfazidah Mohamad also a teacher, his son, Arfan Hakim (a trained Muay Thai athlete) and a daughter, Fathin Mahirah.

Today we have lost another of our brothers but Arwah will always be cherished in our memories.

Gone too soon my brother.

E2, XC8589 signed out 1520pm, 16th June 2021/5 Zulqaedah 1442.

۞ ‎اِنَّالِلَّهِ وَاِنَّآإِلَيْهِ رَٰجِعُوْنَ
‎ اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لَهُ وَارْحَمْهُ وَعَافِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنْهُ ۞

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku ampunilah dia, rahmatilah dia, maafkanlah dia, muliakanlah kematiannya, lapangkanlah kuburnya, jadikanlah syurga sebagai ganti tempat tinggalnya dan berilah kesabaran kepada ahli keluarganya, semoga arwah di tempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan para solihin.

Nukilan E100


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