The march of the elephants, MCKK CCD 2005


The MCKK Centenary Celebration Day (CCD), 26th March 2005.

A story of the rider and the rider. The rider evolved to serve to the elephant. The mind is divided into parts that sometimes conflict. Like a rider on the back of an elephant, the conscious reasoning part of the mind has only limited control of what the elephant does.

The rider, Engku Tan Sri Ibrahim Engku Ngah, Keeper of Royal Seal despatching the Royal Proclamation from the banks of the Perak River through the Royal town of Kuala Kangsar, passing through the Clifford School to the Big Field in front of the Big School to the waiting Royals and MCKK boys, past and present.

The elephant, Mek, was the lead elephant, tamed and dutifully carried its duty in the March of Elephants at CCD.

Both rider and elephant has since died but the memories still linger on. Everyone has their stories.


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