A dear friend died from liver cancer today, the 18 of April 2020, Saturday, 24 Sha’ban 1441H at his home at Bandar Seri Damansara.
His fight was a short, 4-months-long final battle for survival when the doctors ultimately told him in January 2020 that he won’t survive beyond the fasting month of Ramadhan this year, though he has been fighting it since his diagnosis in 2013 but it was a brutal one. Now his wife and children are not planning for Hari Raya; instead they are planning his funeral.
Zin Dahari bin Zainal Abidin or Ziendagi, a Pahangnite from Kampung Ketari, Bentong was a true blue blooded MCOB from Class of 1971 who had unselfishly contributed lots to MCOBA be it as the IT coordinator, the MCOBA mail administrator, has been KoMCOB Board of Cooperative & a fellow Bargreaves Ballerz. His contributions date back before and during the Centenary Celebration of MCKK in 2005 when helped to organise the MC Centenary Race aka Le Tour Kuale, a bicycle event around Kuala Kangsar styled on the Le Tour de Langkawi that he had once marshalled.
He was also on the Big Field on the CCD (Centenary Celebration Day) supervisions the Bungwak squad in their TJ suits. He was also a supporting actor on stage at the KL Convention Center during the Royal Gala Dinner 2005. His character as the zany Cabaret waiter complete with a big teapot which was styled after after the cult leader Ayah Pin which earned him the moniker “Kerajaan Langit”. He is also responsible and instrument for the revival of MCOBA Pahang Chapter.
He was in MCKK starting from Prep School in 1967 to Big School in 1971. He graduated as a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK while studying at the School of Business and Management from the Universiti Teknologi MARA in 1974. He also played for the Intekma Lions Rugby team in 1974.
In real life, he is as zany, amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic fellow. At times, he is an intellectual and philosophical as well as how he initiated led discussions in MCOBA Mail. I shall always remember him for his infectious grin and how he always gets things done. Every challenges he took were at his own stride and pace. Never a loser, always a fighter. One of his last quotes in his Facebook posting was “The greatest fight is ALWAYS againts you!”. His favourite penned tagline is “The future belongs to those who create it!”.
I last met him a small get-together gathering organised by MCOBA Timur Chapter (SETIM) on the 8 January 2020. A batchmate and good friend of his, Rashidi Aziz (C’71) announced in the SETIM WhatsApp Group, “FYI, the doctors have pronounced that Bro Zin Dahari will die within 3 months, i.e before Ramadhan. So, sesiapa nak jumpa dia semasa dia masih hidup, this is your opportunity. Eerrr, he has a rainbow of illnesses. Come one come all. Come and meet a friend who knows he is going to die before Ramadhan. You may learn something here..”.

Many came to see him that night, shared memories with him and he looked happy. He felt very honoured by the wonderful reception given to him during SETIM do. He felt very special.
On his Facebook, he described his fight against the Big C after that mini-gathering as follows:
“It was a miserable two and a half months (Nov 15 2019! to Jan 31 2020), of depression, pain, addling and a bloated stomach. When you feel bloated the system kills your taste buds and appetite eventually causing loss of weight. Towards end of Jan till 4th Feb, I had abdominal pains. I really get nervous when food was served. I just stared at the food like its an enemy or threat to my well-being. So I felt weak and more depressed thinking that the Big C had spread to my abdomen. A visit by my younger brother and Mrs suggested to me that it could be gastritis – a known side effect of chemo. They recommended Gaviscon and if it don’t work, urged me to visit the hospital. Happy to report that after taking Gaviscon, I don’t have gastric pain and looks like my appetite is slowly coming back.
Meanwhile I will continue with my Plasma Light, Rife and BRTherapy in Shah Alam. I got a good feeling (or vibes) that BRT will STOP the Big C from spreading. InsyaAllah….”
As recently as the end March 2020, he was again hospitalised for water retention to his legs. Always a fighter to the very end. A fighter like him never gives up. His scars are his ornaments. He may never be whole, yet he’s bigger than all his battles and beautiful, even in his brokenness. He’d find ways to cheat death—or die, gloriously trying.
On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend’s life also, in our own, to the world.
This man’s passing is a tragedy for his family and friends to be sure. For MCOBA, we have loss an active backroom guy who unselfishly dedicated his sweat and soul for MCOBS. But, it also serves as a sad reminder of the tight grip cancer has taken on so many lives.
Unfortunately, during Movement Control Order (MCO), only limited number of family members and from the mosque can attend his funeral and burial at the Bukit Kiara Muslim Cemetery. I’m pretty sure notwithstanding the MCO, there would be throngs of batchmates, MCOBs and friends that will be at his funeral to pay their last respects. He is a guy who has touched many lives.
I lost a friend to cancer today. It was just before noon when he slipped away. He was 66 years old. A wife lost her husband of 30 years, his children lost a father and a grand daughter (who he adores) lost a grandfather, while his friends and MCOBA has lost a kind and generous soul, a man who devoted endless hours to coaching, mentoring, consoling, conjoling and encouraging others to believe in themselves and Strive forever. Condolences to his family, his batchmates Class of 1971 and all MCOBs.
The losses are too great. He shall be truly missed by all and those whose lives were touched by him.
Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun. May Allah bless this poor soul Jannah and place him amongst the righteous.
Masya Allah. He is a kind soul, may Allah forgive him, and the saddest part is, I couldn’t send him off on his final leg departure but since MCO reign the land, I can only transmit my Doa to him.
Farewell my friend. See you in my next phase. But it won’t be trying to paint it red…