An Eulogy to Arwah Zin Dahari (my bosom Buddy)

By Capt. Abdul Aziz Abdullah (Ahmad House, Class of ’71)


We first met in 1967, at ground floor of Prep School quite enliven;
In the Malay College Kuala Kangsar-so relevant, Ahmad House – the magnificent;
He from Bentong-quite a haven, I from Penang-a city proven;
We hit it off as brethren, jovial and happy on all occasion!

A happy-go-lucky guy, with an infectious smile;
Liked by many allies, a wee bit mischievous and wry;
We were together for a while, till I migrated to the RMC in Form 4 prior July;
The 3-years bonding had amplified, our brotherhood, oh, so well codified!

We met again after 1984, upon my return to shore;
At our Batch gatherings ne’er a bore, he, a live wire at the fore;
He always had time for me to score, with witty remarks and fun-galore;
Taking snaps for socmed was his chore, enjoying while at it some more!

He was active in MCOB Association, highly regarded across batches in unison;
Stirring debates across sections, formed cooperative with a passion;
Took part in skits during annual dinner occasions, instrumental in centenary celebrations;
Enjoyed his life to its fullest duration, all the time smiling with affection!

Early 2020 came news so shocking, “Zin has only 3-months to live” – oh, so devastating;
The liver cancer was taking its toll so excruciating, despite treatments so indulging;
Paid him a visit to provide emotional supporting, he was his usual self – pretty engaging;
Met him at Durian Party by Batch Mates caring, enjoyed his company-such a darling!

Some claim he’s intellectual, others say he’s philosophical;
A few ascribed him rabble-rouser label, idiosyncratic and unconventional;
Batch Mates declare him affable, very chummy and sociable;
I dare declare him kin personal, gem of a person, oh, what a marvel!

Farewell my brother, of different mothers;
I couldn’t accord final send-off proper, due current lockdown order;
May you be granted blessings and succour, by Allah SWT, the Creator;
You will surely be missed my dear, but will remain in our thoughts forever!


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