McIPO – The MCOBA Brand


Three weeks ago, there was a clarion call from MCOBA for volunteers to come for a briefing on Intellectual Property specifically on trademarking all things MCOBA like the MCOBA crest, tie and sampin. As it is, there was a lot of hulabaloos on the usage and design of the said items. There was no standards to refer to nor there were convention as to the usage of the Quad Colours. Apparently, MCOBA had applied for trademarking the crest in 2008 but it was abandoned because the applicant wasn’t elected into the management committee and stayed away from MCOBA.

Another attempt was made by the newly elected management committee but by then the IP department has put an ‘abandoned’ status to it and to revive it, MCOBA needed to pay a fine. Pursuant to that, it was not pursued but rather it was decided to apply for a fresh application. But, it was left dormant and KIV (kept in view). After many years of inactivity, the same issues of mis-usage of the MCOBA name resurfaced again. A sub-committee aptly named McIPO was formed to spearhead the mission with me being appointed as head (with the usual, typical and familiar during college days’ I propose so and so and immediately after that ‘I propose nomination to be close’).

With me in the committee were a much talented old and young MCOBs who has great passion to volunteer their services to MCOBA which included Megat Adnan Fakhri Megat Nor (C’64), Abd Razak Ali (C’76), Razin Mokhtar (C’81), Hasnul Hassan (C’86), Salazmin Salam (C’86), Badrul Omar (C’92) and Munzir Fauzi (C’98). This team consist of those with knowledge and talents in merchandise, photography, heritage, corporate branding, graphic designers and trademarking.

So, today, a small team went for a recce meeting with MyIPO people for a introductory meeting of our mission. What made it more heartening is that we had a discussion with lo and behold a MCOB, Mohd Ikhwan Shahdzul Bakri a.k.a Bogak (C’97). That broke the ice and the discussion was made more cordial with the usual introductory cliches like “you rumah apa?”, “you ni batch so and so ke?” goes to show that MCOB networking still exist to this day as you are bound to meet other MCOBs on the other side of the table.

Bogak ’97 even offered to advise the McIPO committee through the registering process. This to me is a powerful trait and tool to get things done effectively; something that we are always been proud of and relish it for many of years. It has been more of a tradition or sort of heritage value that younger generation has inherited. That too is the beauty and power of MCOBA – a sense of camaraderie and helping each other out, not found in other alumnus.

The other thing that I am always awe with is the spirit of volunteerism that MCOBs has within them. I am leading this dedicated McIPO team and work starts as soon as they volunteered. These are the real contributors to MCOBA. Less talk, just work tirelessly while championing the cause. I have been working with all of them since the centenary celebrations of MCKK 2005 and some even before that in various committees and sub-committees. I know and can vouch for their high level of commitment and passion on all things MCOBA irrespective of any change in Management of MCOBA.

To the McIPO team, business is as usual come what may. They are the backroom boys that make MCOBA tick – the unsung heroes. These tradition of volunteering their services is something unique to MCOBA for many years and hope for more years to come. These people are the champions that gets things done. I am confident that the long standing issue of trademarking the devices of MCOBA would be resolved effectively. That to me is the MCOBA Brand – a bunch of die-hard MCOBs that gets things done in the spirit of camaraderie irrespective of batch, age or generations.

Currently, there is a big tussle for posts in the coming AGM, but to me, the business of getting McIPO resolve is work in progress. I had offered my service to be in the new management and join in the fray. Win or lose is irrespective as I shall always continue to volunteer my service to MCOBA as I have done since 15 years ago. I shall never leave MCOBA as MCOBA lives in me. The branding of MCOBA shall be resolved come what may. We just want to make the MCOBA brand relevant again.


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