Thank You Amok (Serpent C’78)

For your contribution to the nation.


Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar (Amok C’78), bade farewell on 31 July 2018 after 14 years of stellar stewardship of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, and in cricket parlance, a glittering innings littered with several fours and sixers.

And the record speaks for itself. We are pleased to read that Tan Sri Amok had a very “good and respectful” exit interview with Chairman of Khazanah, YAB Tun Mahathir Mohamed. Tan Sri Amok had the opportunity to provide explanation on matters churned through rumour mills. And YAB Tun did request that Tan Sri Amok “to write to him about how KNB can help Govt reduce debt even after he had left (KNB)”.

Perhaps we should all be reminded of our tasks, in our own way, to serve this nation as Tan Sri Amok recorded “I asked my staff to please support Tun’s Govt, in spite of the nonsense from some quarters and I said treat the unfair pain as sacrifice even, niatkan, perbersihkan our intent and serve with all our hearts and our resources. So I bid farewell, I pray for Khazanah’s and the nation’s success and I pledge and hope to contribute and be useful in whatever way I can, insyaAllah.”

We wish Tan Sri Amok well in his next undertakings and hopefully there would be a bit more time for MCKK and MCOBA.


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