A supplication for Tun Abdul Razak Hussein


You left us so suddenly, leaving us in melancholy;
You suffered silently, sans knowledge of family;
‘Twas done for good of country, which was your priority;
You sacrificed so gallantly, a deed unfathomable by many!

At the Malay College in 1967, I first saw you in person;
Sending your son for enrollment, just like my dad – the peon;
With walking stick so common, sans aura of importance;
Deputy Prime Minister was your occupation, a proud Dad in unison!

You were then number two, numero uno being the Tunku;
Many knew who’s actually who, keeping the nation moving through;
Education Report promulgated by you, FELDA conceived by you;
Green Book, Red Book – also by you, MARA, FELCRA and others too!

Then occurred near utter devastation, the May 13th 1969 conflagration;
Country risked annihilation, society dragged into polarisation;
You answered call for affirmation, of nation’s future sans damnation;
Became Director of Operations, of body entrusted to realise salvation!

You displayed much wisdom, in addressing the chasm;
You showed resilient enthusiasm, in overcoming the spasm;
You consulted many in realm, to dispel myth and phantasm;
For nation to bury the phantom, to rise and be proud in tandem!

Rukunegara was mooted, New Economic Policy was understood;
Barisan Nasional became rooted, questioning sensitive issues muted;
Peoples Republic of China was visited, scourge of communism booted;
Your total power undiluted, could have remain so undisputed!

Yet, the nobility so sterling, that had been ingrained from beginning;
Triggered you to do the right thing, handed power to institution deserving;
Ensured democracy functioning, with checks and balances thriving;
Nation continued developing, younger leaders you helped moulding!

Own health was not your concern, effect on body was not discerned;
Priority was development of nation, rakyat’s wellbeing paramount given;
You were rather stern, on how expenses were churned;
Ensuring proper demarcation, between private and official returns!

Malaysia lost a prodigal son, one who was on a sacred mission;
At expense of self-demolition, as long as progress encompassed nation;
You are an unsurpassed champion, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein;
We offer you supplication, that Allah may shower you eternal gratification!


Tun Abdul Razak Hussein (11 March 1922 – 14 Jan 1976)

“You displayed much wisdom, in addressing the chasm; You showed resilient enthusiasm, in overcoming the spasm; You consulted many in realm, to dispel myth and phantasm; For nation to bury the phantom, to rise and be proud in tandem!”

Second Prime Minister of Malaysia
1970 – 1976



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