MCKK Silat Club 1976


The “Pendekars” of the Silat Club, MCKK, 1976. There used to be a Gelangang (Court) Silat in the compounds of MCKK. They practised the Silat ‘Lam-alif’ or commonly known as Silat Pak Ngah who was the Guru Silat, a form of martial arts movement that has rituals, both physically and spiritual. During the graduation (tamat latihan) to become a true warrior, one need to catch a coconut thrown by the guru in pitch dark condition.

The Pendekars:

Standing (L-R): Baharolzaman Shaari, Ahmad Hisham Long, Mohd Haizim Othman, Raja Azman Shah, Dato Ahmad Shukri, Norazman, Ihsan @ Hasni Atan, Khairuddin Hussain.

Front row (L-R): Ahmad Hilmy, Roslan Said, Marzuki Mohamed, Ahmad Amiruddin.


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