Bina Darulaman Bhd appoints Faris Najhan Hashim as new CEO


Heartiest congratulations to Sdr. Faris Najhan Hashim (C’83) for being appointed Chief Executive Officer of Bina Darulaman Berhad.

Prior to joining Bina Darulaman Berhad, Faris Najhan bin Hashim has more than 25 years experience as senior positions with listed companies as well as other non-listed companies. He has vast experience in strategic corporate planning, restructuring, turnaround, mergers and acquisitions as well as operations management in industries including construction, property development and telecommunications during his stint with the previous listed companies namely Ayer Molek Rubber Company Berhad, Mun Loong Berhad, Ho Hup Construction Company Berhad and other non-listed companies.


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