Belasungkawa – Baharum bin Md Salleh

By son, Fared Kamil bin Baharum.


Baharum Md Salleh (Class of 1969) was born in 1952, in a small kampung called Lipat Kajang in Temerloh, Pahang. He entered MCKK in 1965 at the age of 13. He left MCKK after finishing his STPM in 1971.

After MCKK, he furthered his studies in Accountancy at various educational institutions namely Universiti Malaya and Institut Teknologi Mara. He successfully obtained CIMA in 1974.

He started his career with Pahang government agency DARA in 1974. He then moved to LKPP and finally PASCORP HOLDINGS BHD. He was conferred with Ahli Mahkota Pahang (AMP) in 1989. He retired as General Manager of PASCORP HOLDINGS BHD in 1993.

Post his retirement in government sector, he ventured into trading and construction. He had few companies and continued supporting other business organizations before fully retired in 2012. He then spent more of his time in religious activities in the local community.

He was married to Wan Shamsiah Wan Musa also from Temerloh and the marriage was blessed with 5 children; 4 boys and a daughter. (HASNUL HISHAM, FARED KAMIL, NOR IDAYU, IKMAL HIJAZ & MOHD HAFIZ).

He often reminisced of his time at MCKK. He was known by TONGA by the old boys. He was a sportsman in hockey, soccer, rugby and tennis back then at MCKK. His last visit to MCKK was in 2014, together with the family including his grandchildren. He showed his grandchildren a spot where he had kuewteow for the first time in his life.

He took his last breath on Friday morning 10 April 2020 around 10:14 a.m. with his eldest son and son in law around at his bedside. This took place after 2 months battling with Tissue Cancer.

Allahyarham was laid to rest at the Hutan Setali Kuantan Muslim Cemetary.

He leaves behind his beloved wife, 5 children and 10 grandchildren.

He will be deeply missed but never forgotten. Ever.

Allahumma Firlahu Warhamhu wa ‘afihi Wa’fuanhu, may Allah S.W.T. forgives him and accepts all his good deeds in life, be pleased with him and grant him Jannah (where there will be big reunion with all MCOBAs) (Ed. InsyaaAllah). Ameen ya Rabb.




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