The Prefects Board MCKK 1978


The Prefects Board of MCKK consisted of of Form Upper Six, Lower Six and Form Five students. The Head Boy was Sharifuddin Jasiman, the Deputy was Azlan Othman and the Secretary being Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah. There were 28 altogether though there were only 18 in this photo. The rest was prefects from Lower Six who were still waiting for their MCE results when this photo was taken.

The prefects were part of the students’ governance as practised from the existence of MCKK since 1905. The Prefects Board was powerful and only boys of a certain calibre got to be prefects. As a prefect, you were given a cubicle or a room to sleep, eat at the head of the meal table, sit-in classes during prep hours, wore a different badge and tie complete with a maroon blazer, read ‘doa makan‘, make announcements, accompany duty master on his rounds, allowed out to town at any hours and allowed to ride a bicycle in the college.

Many boys regard the Prefects’ Board as a hindrance to their freedom rather than as their protector and a source of assistance which they can take advantage of. Sometimes they envied the privileges that the prefects may have, and seize every opportunity to criticise them.

No wonder the prefects were known as ‘anjing’ or dogs as they were loyal, dutiful and only follow orders by the owners aka school administrators while remaining hostile to those outside their circle or wrongdoers. The stay in a enclosed area in the dormitories they are assigned to and these prefects dens are known as Cubicles or Cube Abd fondly known as ‘Kandang Anjing’ (Dog’s Den).

All the revived first formers of 1972 became prefects resulting from the brain drain after MCE 1976. There were 6 of them and they were fondly referred to as the Magnificent 6 from Class of ’76. They were the most senior in the school having spent the maximum 7 years available then.

Sitting (L-R): Mohd Kamal Zakaria (Maka), Mohd Tajuddin Amin (Zoe), Arwah Azlan Othman (Lae Samae), HM Wan Abdul Aziz Hamzah, Mohd Sarifuddin Jasiman (Kupeng), Mr D.K Gupta, Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah (Sarp), Sharuddin Hassan (Shah Papan), Dr. Shariff Fahruddin (Hairy).

Standing (L-R): Shaari Sharif (Ketam), Mustafa Fadzil, Nik Rushdi Nik Hassan, Roslan Osman Kassim (Rok), Zazali Mohd Yatim, Abdul Razak Majid (Arm), Zainal Abidin Mustapha, Zulkarnain Kamaruddin (Zul K), Badrunsham Omar, Abdul Razak Abu Chik, Zawawi Mahmud.

Not in Picture: (Lower Six)
Mohd Nasrim Salleh, Abdul Manaf Derahman, Dato’ Dr Ramlan Aziz, Dato’ Jamal Nasir, Arwah Mohd Razif Aziz, Hasman Yusri, Datuk Khairul Annuar Mohd Tawi, Idrose Harun, Mohd Razif Ali, Yusman Yusof.


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