Class of 1970 Coffee Book Launch

Royal Lake Club, Kuala Lumpur


Entitled Setiakawan: MCKK Class of 1970, the publication took almost four years, caressing the long, winding road before it saw the light of day, and launched at a special event of the C’70 boys and their family at the Royal Lake Club on 3 July 2018.

The coffee table book was weaved essentially around the very eventful experiences in the dorms, the New School, co-curricular activities, and the post MCKK journey. In addition to the large collection of photos that portrays life while in and after MCKK, the C’70 coffee table book offers a fairly broad array of interesting and generally well-written articles. The photos and articles reflect the different stages that we all went through in MCKK.

Predictably, the Introduction was followed by the standard demarcation of the MCKK experience with highly interesting sections on boarding school life in Prep School, Big School and Pavilion. The pictures shed the youthful anticipation for fun and excitement throughout their stay there. Among the pictures included for posterity in the Big School Section of this book is an eerie ghostly image captured in a small group pose of residents of Dorm 18.

By contrast, the section on the New School was almost bland. It was almost exclusively pictorial, save for snippets of “Setiakawan Trivia”, which also included stories about culinary delights at Rex Cinema and small bits of sport. Clearly, and rightfully, the MCKK experience was so much more about growing up there than the standard and equally bland process of learning and preparing for public exams.


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