PNB appoints Ahmad Zulqarnain as new President and CEO


A big congratulations to Ahmad Zulqarnain Che Onn (C’89, Sulaiman) for being appointed as the new President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).

Up until recently, Ahmad Zulqarnain was the deputy managing director (MD) of Khazanah. He was appointed as one of the two deputy MDs in 2018, in charge of the strategic fund and managing Khazanah’s strategic holdings in government-linked companies (GLCs).

In addition, he headed the corporate strategy team in Khazanah. Ahmad Zulqarnain brings with him more than 23 years of experience in the financial services and corporate sector.

He joined Khazanah in May 2014 as an Executive Director, Investments and subsequently appointed as Head, Strategic Management Unit of Khazanah.

Prior to Khazanah, he was appointed as the first Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Danajamin Nasional Berhad in 2009. He has over 22 years’ experience in both banking and corporates, including tenures with UBS Warburg, Pengurusan Danaharta Berhad, CIMB Group and Symphony Group.


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